Monday, September 17, 2012

Let's see how this goes...

Real Sports 24/7

Hey, I'm Kyle and this is my blog Real Sports 24/7. I've had several people tell me I should give this a shot since sports is one of the only things I know a lot and actually care about.  I have a feeling some of these posts may get a little entertaining and unfiltered since I seem to only want to write when one of my teams screws up so hopefully I can provide you some enjoyment.

As for a little background about myself, I am a huge Boston sports fan. Red Sox and Patriots are interchangeable for the top two spots and then third is the Celtics and fourth NY Rangers. I know I know try and figure that one out. I guess my first memory of pro hockey was in '94 when the Rangers won the cup. As for the rest of the teams in NY and NJ, fuck 'em!

I spent the last 19 years of my life playing competitive hockey, until last October when I was forced to quit due to concussions. But enough with my sob stories, the main point is that I will rarely write about hockey since no one cares about hockey. Any sport that would allow 2 lockouts within an 8 year span is a joke and any sport that isn't on ESPN isn't a real sport.

I'm very passionate about professional sports as anyone who knows me could tell you, so like the blog says, I hope to give you Real Sports Talk that's uncut and unfiltered.

I can be reached at and

Twitter: @kyle_letourneau

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